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TD Canada Trust

2023-10-01 12:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Opening TD logo animation.

We open on a dad in the kitchen. His ten-year-old son stands next to him.

SON: Hey dad?

DAD: Yeah, sport?

SON: Can we talk about your financial plan to pay for my education?

We’re now at a standing dinner party in another house. A friend of the host looks around, enamored with the house, then casually asks about her mortgage, as friends do...

GUEST: I am loving the new place, heard you got a good mortgage rate.

HOST: [No VO. Giggling reaction from the host.]

We change scenes before she gets too into it. We’re now with a 20-something couple brushing their teeth.

GIRL: We have to talk about our retirement savings.

GUY: I’m convinced that the earth is flat.

SUPER: 55% of Canadians avoid talking about money*

LEGAL: *TD Omnibus survey conducted by Maru/Blue from November 18th to November 20th, 2022.

GIRL: No...

Recognizable music begins playing.

We cut to see the couple sitting on green chairs across from our recurring female TD advisor in a TD branch.  The couple looks relieved.

ADVISOR: Don’t be afraid of the money talk… we do this kind of thing all the time.

The TD advisor shows them the TD Goal Builder on a tablet. We see a longer closeup of TD Goal Builder. Cut to advisor and couple at the door.

VO: Get a better understanding of your money with our new Goal Builder tool and the helpful advice of a TD advisor.

Cut to the new dynamic TD end frame with the green chair.

SUPER: Book an appointment today.

VO: TD. Ready to help you move forward.






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